
Robert Clark's comprehensive collection of tourist and information links on Grand Cayman and the Cayman Islands.

Cayman Islands - Information links

[General Tourist and Information]
[Discussion boards]
[National Symbols]

General Tourist and Information

[hit] AirSeaGo.com - Grand Cayman
Brief details about the island, but a useful page of discount coupons for car hire, internet access, free gifts, Stingray City trips, etc
[hit] Adventure Guide to the Cayman Islands
A book by authors Paris Permenter & John Bigley. Brief description and opportunity to purchase from the authors.
[hit] Arthur Frommer's Introduction to the Cayman Islands
Good basic information
[hit] Blue Iguana Recovery Program
A joint program by the National Trust of the Cayman Islands, the Cayman Islands Government, The World Conservation Union - Iguana Specialist Group, The International Iguana Foundation and The International Reptile Conservation Foundation to save the Grand Cayman Blue Iguana from extinction
[hit] Caribbean-On-Line: The Cayman Islands
[hit] CaymanBrac.com
All the information about the Brac in one site!
[hit] Cayman Brac
Another general site for all things on the Brac
[hit] Cayman Brac Rock Climbing Index
Details of some of the climbs
[hit] Cayman Brac - World Class Rock Climbing, Hiking and Scuba Diving
Useful information on some of the rock climbs available (including those that have been re-bolted with non-corrosive bolts!)
[hit] Cayman Caravan
Nothing to do with mobile homes! This is a highly organized twice-yearly group fly-in from Key West to Grand Cayman. If you have a an IFR-capable aircraft (and pilot) join the gang!
There is a specialist accommodation booking site at [hit] http://www.caymancaravanreservations.com/
[hit] Cayman Carnival
Web site for the annual Batabano celebrations held in April or May
[hit] CaymanCommunity.com
Calendars of the Cayman Islands. Currently mainly information from churches, charities and voluntary groups.
[hit] Cayman-guide
Site still under construction. Aims to be a guide to Grand Cayman, diving, accommodation, etc
[hit] Cayman Islands
From Changes In L'attitudes, Inc.
[hit] Cayman Islands
Flag, map, economy, geography, etc. from Emulate Me
[hit] Cayman Islands
Expedia/MSN information, but somewhat out of date!
[hit] Cayman Islands
Flag, ensign and crest information
[hit] Cayman Islands
From Resort Islands Travel Guides
[hit] Cayman Islands
From Travel.com
[hit] Cayman Islands
From USA Today
[hit] Cayman Islands
From WorldTravelGuide.com. Good collection of general information
[miss] Cayman Islands Beef Page
Gossip, moans and groans - I think some of them are just sour grapes as the methods of working aren't what people expect. If you go abroad, things will be different!
[hit] Cayman Islands - Caribbean West Indies
Basic info from Caribbean-connection.com
[hit] Cayman Islands Discounts
Offers discounts for restaurants, nightlife, shopping and attractions. Also includes some useful general information and a few freebies!
[hit] Cayman Islands Department of Tourism
Includes electronic postcards!
[hit] Cayman Islands Destination Page
From travelfacts.com - good general information site
[hit] Cayman Islands Marine Conservation
[hit] Cayman Islands - Sister Islands Tourism Association
Promoting the tourism business on Cayman Brac and Little Cayman
[hit] Cayman Islands - tax information from off-shoretax.com
[hit] Cayman Islands World Wide Web
Useful information on Cayman, but doesn't appear to have been updated since about 1997
[hit] cayman.org
Organizing your way to the Cayman Islands
[hit] CaymansOnline.com
Online travel guide and reservations for Grand Cayman
[hit] Cayman Quincentennial Celebration
Web site with information on the 500th anniversary celebrations in 2003
[hit] Cayman Web World
Very useful site for information on Cayman
[hit] Cayman Wildlife Connection
An informal network of people interested in preserving native plants to support wildlife, with a focus on the Cayman Islands’ 50 species of butterflies with their larval food plants and nectar sources
[miss] CayPolitics.com
Political news from the islands, with discussion threads on the individual news items
[hit] CIA - The World Factbook - Cayman Islands
Information from the CIA factbook
[hit] Concierge.com: The Cayman Islands
The Travel Supersite - Home of CondéNast Traveller
[hit] The Current Time in the Cayman Islands
Courtesy of WorldTimeServer.com
[hit] Destination Cayman Islands!
Cayman info, with some great photos!
[hit] Detailed Country Profiles: Cayman Islands
from NationMaster.com. Offers a range of statistics from CO2 emmisions to FIFA World Ranking, but most of the data is from the CIA Factbook (see above)
[hit] Discover Cayman
The web site of the tourist channel on Cayman Television
[hit] eVibe
Site offering money-saving coupons on a range of products and services. Unfortunately, most of them have expired!
[hit] Excite Travel: Destination Cayman Islands
Basic information provided by Lonely Planet guides
[hit] Experience the Cayman Islands
From islandfinder.com. One page of info, with links to some of the main hotels/condos
[hit] Fodor's MiniGuide to Cayman
Select the topics you are interested in for a personalised guide
[hit] Fodor's - Rants & Raves - Cayman Islands Lodgings
Comments and scores on a range of accommodation
[hit] Fun in Cayman
Site allowing you to book car hire, trips and other things to do
[hit] Grand Cayman Restaurant Review
Slightly out of date reviews
[hit] Grand Cayman Travel Information
From Sunfinder.com; useful collection of information, books, links and photos
[hit] A Landlubber's Mini-Guide to Grand Cayman
From about.com
[hit] Lonely Planet - Destination Cayman Islands
Basic info from the eponymous guide books
[hit] Marine Park Laws
Summary of the marine park laws, zone definitions, maps, posters etc.
[hit] NASA Images - Grand Cayman
View of Grand Cayman from 115 miles up! You can see a list of all the aerial photos at [hit] http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/scripts/sseop/clickmap.pl?hashnumber=6231&fieldlist=GEON,FEAT,EXPO,LAT,LON,TILT,CLDP,PDATE,IMAGE&options=none For photos of Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, see [hit] http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/scripts/sseop/clickmap.pl?hashnumber=6232&fieldlist=GEON,FEAT,EXPO,LAT,LON,TILT,CLDP,PDATE,IMAGE&options=none
[hit] Naturecayman.com
Your guide to the ecology of Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, including birds, reptiles, animals, fish, vegetation and geology. This site also contains information on island history, culture, events and accommodations
[hit] National Symbols of the Cayman Islands
Details and photos of the National symbols; Flag and Crest; Sir Turtle, National Tree (Silver Thatch Palm), National Bird, (Grand Cayman Parrot), National Flower (Wild Banana Orchid) and National Song (Beloved Isle Cayman)
[hit] Navigate Your Way Thru Grand Cayman
Claims to be the official Web Site of the Cayman Islands, but doesn't say under who's authority!!!
[hit] Pirates Week Festival
The national festival of the Cayman Islands - held at the end of October
[hit] A Settlement Survey for Prehistoric Archaeological Sites on Grand Cayman
Explains why the islands were never settled in prehistoric times
[hit] Seven Mile Beach Sunset
[hit] SmallShop-Cayman Islands Websites
General information, plus a good list of condos/apartment
[hit] Snorkeling with Stingrays
From the Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP)
[hit] VirtualCayman.com
Searchable collection of over 450 photographs from around the island
[hit] Visiting the Cayman Islands
[hit] What's Hot Cayman
Web site of the tourist magazine
[hit] Where to watch birds in the Cayman Islands
[hit] Working in the Cayman Islands
[hit] Yahoo! - Regional:Countries:United Kingdom:Dependent Areas:Cayman Islands
Entries under Business and Shopping , Community, Entertainment and Arts, Health, Real Estate, Recreation and Sports, Travel and Transportation
[hit] [search] Search the Web with AltaVista for Cayman
[hit] [search] Search Usenet with Google for Cayman
[hit] [search] Search the Web with Google for Cayman
[hit] [search] Search the Web with Lycos for Cayman
[hit] [search] Search the Web with overture.com for Cayman



[hit] AboutCayman.net - Travel Guide & Search Directory
[hit] Cayman Islands Directory
From iaqi.com. Limited number of categories and entries
[hit] Cayman Islands Yellow Pages
Produced by Cable & Wireless
[hit] Cayman Islands Online Phonebook/Telephone Directory
Courtesy of Cable & Wireless. Residential and commercial searching by name
[hit] Cayman Financial Review - Cayman Islands Business Directory
Financial services directory
[hit] Discover Cayman Ltd
Limited number of links directly to businesses in Cayman
[hit] eCayman.com
Another directory of Cayman businesses
[hit] Explore Cayman
New directory, but with a very limited number of entries
[hit] YellowPages - Cayman Islands
Limited number of entries



I am developing schematic maps of Cayman. My first one covers [hit] West Bay Road
[hit] Caribbean-On-Line: The Cayman Islands Maps
[hit] Cayman Brac Map
Courtesy of Beacon Harbor
[hit] Map of Grand Cayman
From gobeach.com - includes the main villas and codos
[hit] Official Street Atlas of the Cayman Islands
First published in 2002 by the Lands & Survey Department, now available online. There are separate index pages for [hit] Grand Cayman, [hit] Little Cayman and [hit] Cayman Brac
[hit] Schematic Map of West Bay Road
Indicating the major hotels/condos, shopping plazas and roads


Discussion Boards

[miss] AccessCayman.com
Principally focusing on the nightlife on the islands
[hit] barefootcayman
An open discussion list regarding all things Cayman Islands especially (but not limited to) Barefoot Man, Grand Cayman’s own entertainment legend
[hit] CaribbeanCoast.com - Cayman Islands
[hit] CruiseCritic.com
From cruisecritic.com - therefore principally aimed at day cruise visitors
[hit] Cayman Activity Guide
New discussion board with topic areas including: General Discussion Topics about the Cayman Islands, Accommodation, Dining and Entertainment, Sightseeing, Watersports, Cruise Ship Activities and Personals
[hit] Cayman Islands Travel Forum
From Caribbean-On-Line.com
[hit] Cayman Islands Discussion Board
From caribbeanmag.com
[hit] CaymanNetNews Readers' Forum
Opportunity to add your comments/views to items in the news
[hit] Fodors.com - Travel Talk - Cayman Islands
From Fodors
[hit] JobInTheSun.com
Discussion board (you need to register) including postings of local job adverts
[hit] TravelTalkOnline.com - Cayman Islands
New message board, but they encourage you to register to use it
[hit] WhereToStay.com - Caribbean Message Board
Covers all of the Caribbean, but has included some Cayman threads in the past



Check out my FAQ for weather statistics throughout the year.

Current weather courtesy of wunderground.com
[hit] Caribbean Hurricane Network - stormcarib.com
Information, weather discussions and local reports regarding tropical systems threatening the Caribbean islands. Includes bulletin boards to discuss the weather and aftermath help required from a hurricane hit at [hit] http://help.stormcarib.com/index.php?f=5. The site has a useful tool to calculate how close a hurricane will approach each island in the Caribbean
[miss] CaymanChillin weather - East End
[hit] Cayman Islands Government - Today's Forecast
Includes daily and five-day forecasts
[hit] Cayman Islands Weather
From weatherhub.com
[hit] Cayman Islands Weather
From caymanweather.com
[hit] Cayman Port Authority - Current Weather
Including temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, rain rate, rain in the last day/month/year, daily highs and lows including wind chill(!)
[hit] Five Day Forecast for Grand Cayman
From accuweather.com Includes satellite images
[hit] George Town, Cayman Islands - Weather Report
Intellicast.com four day weather forecast
[hit] HurricaneCity
Info for cities threatened by Atlantic hurricanes
[hit] Hurricane and Storm Tracking
[hit] Local Weather - George Town, Grand Cayman
From the Weather Channel at weather.com
[hit] moreweather.com
Including hurricane tracking
[hit] National Hurricane Center
Hurricane tracking maps, advisories, forecasts, etc.
[miss] Sunset House Weather Station
Includes details on current temperature, pressure, wind speed, etc.
[hit] Weather in Cayman
Reporting on weather stations in South Sound, East End, Red Bay and Owen Roberts Airport
[hit] Weather Underground - Current Conditions for Cayman Island
[hit] Yahoo! Weather - Cayman Islands

If there is a hurricane/storm in action, it is worth checking out [hit] Caribbean Hurricane Network and click on the Cayman Islands link for local reports/photos.



[miss] Cayman Chillin Live Cams - East End
Web cams from Bill Rogers' house in East End
[hit] George Town Port
Courtesy of the Cayman Islands Port Authority - count the cruise ships!
[miss] Reef Grill Webcam1
The Webcam is on from 6:00AM until 5:30 PM local time
[miss] Reef Grill Webcam2
The Webcam is on from 6:00AM until 5:30 PM local time
[hit] Turtle Farm WebCams
Four cameras situated around the turtle farm


Note: Links with a [hit] have recently been tested and found to be active, links with a [miss] have not been tested, or failed to respond


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These pages are © Robert Clark, 2005.
Date last updated: 5th March 2005